
Life in a small community comes with lots of benefits. Close relationships with others, community spirit, pride of place, among others. However, like most small towns, chance meetings and formal gatherings alike provide the opportuntiey for discussion of the latest topics. Small town dwellers are not surprised by many of the rumors they hear and often lack a way to verify the facts on the latest news they heard at the coffee shop, corner, or church fellowship hall.

Lets discuss a few of the latest rumors about the project.

1) Rumor: The Community Center is just “code” for moving City Hall offices into a new building.

A: Only administrative offices for the Library and space for managing the Visitor center and the History Center are provided in the building plans. City Hall was renovated in 1999 and provides ample space for current City Administrative functions. There are only two offices in the plan. One for the Library Director and one for the Chamber of Commerce which is in the same space as the Visitor Center.

2) Rumor: The History Center will be exclusively owned and controlled by the Grant County Historical Society. No other displays will be allowed. No room for Lancaster items is planned.

A: Final plans for the History Center are not complete. However, the Grant County Historical Society is expected to manage the majority of the display space. Approximately 1/5 to 1/3 of the 3,800 square feet is being considered for a) a permanent Lancaster display, b) space for a rotating displays, and c) a space for other Grant County communities to use on a rotating basis. The entire building will be owned by the City of Lancaster.

If you have heard something you wish to have an answer to, feel free to contact Alan at the Library 608-723-7304 or Scot at City Hall 608-723-4246

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